
Updated on February 24, 2010
E.S. asks from Waterford, MI
4 answers

Can Play help grow successful adults?

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answers from Dallas on

Absolutely. We tend to over look this as adults and completely discount it as non-academic, but nothing could be farther from the truth. Play is essential to children's growth and is how they learn. Non-structured play especially is fabulous. Everything with children centers on play just about. That's why all therapy (just about) is play therapy for young children.

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answers from Portland on

Hello E.-

I've studied child development for more than 16 years, and if there is one thing I've learned about children, they learn through play. They act out worries, concerns, questions through play, whether it's play with a friend or dolls. Children learn social cues through play and they learn cause & effect lessons through play.

Many recent studies lately have encouraged parents and caregivers to reduce the amount of structured lesson time in a child's day and allow them to play. In the past few generations, (1980's & 1990's), the focus was on structured lessons, piano, dance, science, math lessons along with organized sports. They are now finding that these structured activities, add stress to children, because they cannot do what is natural, free play.

So the answer to your question is yes, you can grow suscessful adults through play, because your children are learning important skills while playing.

R. Magby

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answers from Mansfield on

I am no expert but I would say yes. You were not specific on what kind of answer you were looking for but here are some reasons I say yes. Play teaches many things and helps with growth and developement. Play with others teaches important skills on how to deal with others (even as adults) sharing, cooperation, sympathy, kindness, understanding,etc. Older more competetive games and play teach team work, graciousness (winning or lossing) and the importance of listening and following direction to leaders (coaches, other team mates,etc) as well as keeping physically fit. If you were not an active child you do not just become and active adult. Not sure if any of this is what you are looking for but..... hope this helps :)

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answers from Lansing on

You must not be an early education Teacher!!!!! :) Kids LEARN through play! They learn how to interact, share, be social, the list goes on and on! Even Adults learn through play.....they learn to be social, to share and to be confident in themselves!

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