Assuming that this is an AA b-day:
- Buy him an enameled or two tone 1 year coin. You can find them online by googling. here's one site: http://www.network12.com/medallions/aamedallions.htm They're different then the one(s) he would get in meetings. ('Area' buys single tone birthday coins in bulk. To get an enameled or two tone coin friends, loved ones, sponsors have to buy them individually. They're rarely more then 10 bucks. There's also the 12 step shop over on Phinney Ridge in north seattle...but their hours are...erratic.
- Print a copy of the serenity prayer on special paper, and have your son put his handprints on it in ink (you can get an ink pad at any art store)
- COFFEE. (Especially if you're having program people over. About 3 times as much as you think you might need.)
- Toasts don't require alcohol.
- Get his Sponsor in on the event, and some of his friends from the program if you feel comfortable having your son around program people, and people talking about drinking/recovery. Many people don't, and that *perfectly* okay.
- Potlucks are the SINGLE MOST COMMON event/party that you find in the program. Inviting people to a One Year Birthday Potluck, is not only considered Not Tacky, but good manners. :) It all comes down to the basic premise that a) you're not supposed to try and do everything on your own, but to learn to ask for help & b) to be of service whenever and wherever you possibly can.