Shutterfly has nice place to share pictures and is a cinch for ordering. Easy to navigate and always has lots of specials. A lot of great picture gifts as well.
I am looking for a new place to host pictures that is free. I am on snapfish right now but they changed their format and I have been having technical problems with them. Don't feel like going through their growing pains. I am looking for something free that I can order pics from.
Thanks ladies!
Shutterfly has nice place to share pictures and is a cinch for ordering. Easy to navigate and always has lots of specials. A lot of great picture gifts as well.
Shutterfly! Free space for all of your pictures and you can create a share site in minutes and then just click to share the photos. You can also share 10 videos and any projects you make on shutterfly's site. Their print quality is great too.
I'm a big fan of using Google to store and share my photos. I downloaded picasa onto my laptop and found uploading them that way to be a breeze. You can also order from many different retailers (including shutterfly, snapfish, walgreens, etc) right off of the google photos website. It's free and you can share with a link or an email.