If she doesn't want the baby food take her off of it. Baby food in those jars is full of preservatives, most of the nutrition has been striped during the cooking process and it is not the best thing. She might be smarter than the average bear about what is good for her body. give her fresh veggies that are cooked enough so she can easily chew them. Broccoli and calliflower heads are good cooked, peas, carrots. You can bake some apples, pears, peaches with the skin pealed and it makes a terrific dessert type food that is also really good for her. Pasta is a good one although I would stay away from spaghetti noodles as they are very easy to swallow without chewing. Let her experiment with different things, and as she gets older and more teeth she can start eating chicken, fish, and even red meat. I have heard terrible stories about processed foods for all people not just children, but they tend to be more suseptible because of their young bodies. Plus baby food is kinda gross, and she might not like the texture of the food, and most of it doesn't taste very good. I say let her eat the table food.