You're describing my pregnancies! I was sick until 20 weeks, and even then never felt good. The first two times I did phen as rarely as possible, but by the time I was pg with #3 we had switched to an all-natural lifestyle. I don't even take Tylenol EVER, let alone drugs when pg, so there had to be another way. I contacted a natural midwife and she recommended eating as much protein as often as I could possibly get it down, and to absolutely avoid refined sugars and flours. So the thing that was truly helpful was to make up a protein shake to have by the bed at night. It had raw milk from healthy goats, raw eggs from healthy free-range chickens, a quality whey powder, and some berries. (I know at a surface glance it looks appalling that I would leave this by the bed all night, but my research and experience reveal that raw milk & eggs are far superior to pasteurized & overcooked, and that there is little chance of disease if you get them from farmers with small herds that know their animals.) Anyway, whenever I had an ounce of consciousness in the night, I'd suck down several gulps... it dramatically improved the way I felt the next morning compared to waking on an empty stomach and trying to fool around with crackers.
I also heartily second the idea to check out acupuncture. There's a natural doctor just south of Akron that I went to for energy treatments, which helped take off the edge, and it's the same idea. Probably would have felt great if I'd have kept going and paying, but I just took it to the point where I could function. PM me if want the info. There's also a technique called EFT that I learned about since then but have had some success with for various things, although you feel like a complete idiot trying it. It involves tapping on various pressure points. And that's free! I never would have considered these options pre-granola days, but sometimes they really work!
Also check out ReliefBand... it's like sea bands, but with more effect because they send out a pulse every few seconds on the pressure point. Definitely helped some with my second child, but then I developed a metal allergy and could no longer use it. Ask your doctor... they may have a sample, but I had to ask before they even thought of it. They just throw the cracker nonsense at you and figure you'll eventually grow out of the problem!
If you're going to try the mint essential oil, make sure you get a high quality medicinal oil. You may not experience any effect from health food store brands. Young Living is excellent. We've used their oils with great success for several things now (and I don't sell it).
Incidentally, I knew we had to stop with 2 kids because I couldn't do this ever, ever again. So I know how you feel. When I got the shock of my life with #3, I cried for 3 weeks, felt yucky for a long time again (but not as dysfunctional as before), then adjusted and welcomed the sweetest little man EVER into our family. He had the same swallowing problem as his brothers so I had to exclusively pump for an entire year. He's the happiest, healthiest little 3 year-old in the world, and I'm so, so, SO glad God knew better than I did what the size of our family should be. :) So walk this valley knowing that it will truly be worth it!