I am in a VBAC support group and lots of us with previous c-sections have experienced phantom kicks. That being said, definitely take a pregnancy test just to be sure.
I'll try to keep this short. I had my baby boy last June via c-section. We knew this would be our last child, so we had the doctor 'tie my tubes' while he was in there. Everything was good, everyone was happy. Fast -forward to this week. I have been feeling little flutters like there is a baby in there. I haven't had a period because I am still breast-feeding, so I can't tell if I am pregnant that way. I would think there is no way that I could be, right? Has anyone else experienced this feeling?
Thanks for all of the responses! I took a pregnancy test and it came back negative. I get a little anxious about the 'kicks' because I keep hearing stories about women that had their tubes tied and still got pregnant. I know it's always a possibility, but hopefully it won't happen here. I'm good with my two :). Thanks again!
I am in a VBAC support group and lots of us with previous c-sections have experienced phantom kicks. That being said, definitely take a pregnancy test just to be sure.
I have personally experience it with both my post-c-section and my post-vbac and both times it was several months after both...feels funny I know...but to echo the other girls, take preg test just in case and if it's negative, use those times to reminisce about that wonderful feeling of feeling your baby inside and then go kiss them :-)! Afterwards I just assume it was gas!
I had phantom kicks after my c-section with my first but it was shortly after he was born - I would definitely take a pregnancy test to rule it out since it has been almost a year!
there was a time when i was sure i was pregnant just because of the phantom kicks. my doctor said that sometimes gas bubbles can cause this feeling. now i know that he was right because it has happened several times over the years. if you don't have any other symptoms of pregnancy, i wouldn't worry about it.
well now i feel silly. i see the date you posted this so you probably know by now the result! "tell us what happened?"
I never had a c-section, but every now and then I get that feeling. probably just gas, but it is such a unique sensation it defiantly makes you wonder. Take a test to be on the safe side.
Please take a pregnancy test to be sure. Pregnancy tests purchased at a dollar store are highly accurate and a cheap way to reassure yourself. Even tubal ligations can fail and a pregnancy may result. If they do fail though, there is a higher incidence of ectopic pregnancy (pregnancy outside the uterus, usually in the tube) which is very dangerous. It may just be intestinal gas, but it's important that you know for sure. I've heard of 1 other woman who had a C-section complain of the same thing you describe and she was not pregnant. Not sure she ever discovered what it was causing the sensation.
Midwife Mom of 3
I would take a test or see your doctor.
One thing my doc told me was that when you tie your tubes at birth there is a higher failure rate. So there is always that chance that you could get pregnant. I would think if you are feeling little flutters and such there is always a possibility that you are pregnant again. I would be shocked though that you had no other symptoms before the flutters which leads me to think it is something else creating the flutters, i.e., gas, nerves, etc.
I would just take a couple of pregnancy tests to be sure.