Sounds like you are at the end of your rope with this. I was too. I'd had crazily heavy periods all the years before I had my child at age 34, had a tubal, and still had years of bleeding that was too heavy to leave the house on certain days. I stopped taking the pill at age 25 due to migraines and as I became more educated about natural health refused to take artificial hormones ever again.
I was feeling pretty hopeless. Thank God I explored every option and didn't just resign myself to living in misery half of every month. The good news is I FINALLY, just this spring found relief, after years of many doctors not really caring and offering the pill as the only remedy. I decided to try accupuncture for seasonal allergies and lo and behold! The woman I see is also a chinese medicine specialist so she is educated in herbs, etc. I told her my issues and she recommended an herb to slow down the bleeding. Apparently it has been used for centuries by various cultures who use herbal medicine - even to staunch excessive uterine bleeding after birth. As well, with accupuncture (which by the way is totally painless and relaxing), once a month or so, I only have needed to use this herb ONE TIME since April. As a bonus, my cycle HAD been every 19-20 days and lasted for at least 10-11 days. Now I'm 28 days apart and it is about 6-7 days.
Of course, your health insurance may not cover acupuncture. Mine didn't. But I figured the cost was made up in the savings of less feminine hygiene products and I could schedule myself to work during THAT week, which I hadn't been doing.