Hello sweetie!! my name is K. and I totally know where you are coming from with you situation. I have a ten year old boy with aguy i barly know also! I was thinking the same thing you are. It is soo hard to decide something like this, I decided to take my sons father for child support,and needless to say i don't get anything anyways, he is aloser, but out of this i have met some of his other kids and there moms. My son is 10 and he has abrother that i never would have known anything about if i hadn't taken him in for child support, they are as close as ever even though there dad doesn't have anything to do with them, either of them. So I guess what i am saying is in the long run he may have brothers or sisters out there and they didn't do anything to deserve no to know each other!!! It actually can be agood thing!!! I know my son and his brother are very close and I'm very glad that I took there dad for support.
Take care