Oh! I really feel your frustration! I am sorry you are feeling sick on top of having to wait. I just had my first daughter 7 weeks ago and she was 16 days late!! With every passing day I thought I would surely lose my mind:) Finally, I had to be induced, which was something I had really wanted to avoid and then I got an epidural when I had wanted a natural water birth. But looking back on it, despite nothing going the way I had wanted, it was a wonderfull experience. The best of my life! So...hang in there, one way or another your little baby is coming soon. I know every minute feels like an eternity...but it will be over soon!! As far as natural induction..haha I tried EVERYTHING (except castor oil...yuck). Nothing worked. Babies come when they're ready. I don't think the old wives tales work BUT try them all anyway. It's a distraction while you wait...and you never know. I also found that being around people helped distract me. Stuff I tried included: raspberry leaf tea, walking, sex, masterbation, spicy food, a glass of red wine, a bumpy car ride, sitting on the washing machein while it's running, relaxing....haha. Best of luck to you. Who knows...maybe you are already in labor as I write this:) Let us know what happens!