When our daughter began speaking, she many times made, announcements or would title things in a very straightforward way. Hard to explain.
Anyway she was like many toddler girls. She tended to direct others in how things should be done and how they should be referred to.
She was just beyond what you would expect form such a young child.. This began at about a year old.
She just seemed to know things, even when it was the first time she had ever seen it or been exposed to it.
She also has always been way more mature than other children.. We call her "Grandma". She even calls herself "an old lady".
She actually reminds me of one of my husbands grandmothers, she passed away 1 month after our daughter was born. I was so glad, she had a chance to see and hold our child.
This is what people refer to as an old soul. These children are more in tuned with things, because of their mature and early understanding.
The past lives is an interesting concept. I actually had a dream once, that explained exactly why I was in my current profession.. I was astounded by the experience.
Here is a book you may enjoy. It is very interesting. It has been around for a long time, so i am sure you can find a inexpensive copy or even check it out from the library.