Parting Gift for Sitter

Updated on June 26, 2007
K.M. asks from Aubrey, TX
7 answers

I am need in of HELP!! I'm searching for a "parting" gift to get our sitter. My daughter has been going to her since she was 12 weeks old, now she is 17 months and she has given her so much love and care...I'm not looking to give her money, I'm looking to find a special gift for her from my daughter. My daughter still isn't into coloring, she likes to eat the crayons, so she won't really draw anything...I'm looking to buy something, that's affordable....does anyone have any suggestions???? Her last day there is Wednesday so I'm on a time constraint...Any suggestions or ideas would be awesome!! Thank you all in advance!

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So What Happened?

Thank you guys for the ideas!!! Loved them all...I'm just not a very arts and crafty type person! :) But here's what I decided. I am getting an 8x10 walnut photo album engraved with a few "words" from my daughter and inside the album I am going to put some photos of the past year and a half with my the 4 girls that she watched. She had given us a CD of about 150 photos she had taken over the time and I'm going to get some copies and put some in the album. I'm not going to fill the album, so she has space for other photos she may have and want to include. I am however, going to try and be creative with her card. I will have Paige's handprints and footprints drawn in them and let her scribble a little note, if she'll do it without eating the crayon! :) Thank you guys again for such great ideas. I would've never thought of the hand/footprint thing without asking for you alls help, so thanks again. I sure hope she likes it!

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answers from Dallas on

How about a small photo album or a single photo of your daughter with the "Top 10 Reasons You'll Be Missed". A friend of mine made a Top 100 Reasons I Love You Dad as a photo album (she's the scrapbooking queen) for Father's Day. Talk about a great gift. I'm going to steal her idea for the future.

For our sitter who just graduated high school, we made a scrapbook page and we traced the babies' hands and the toddler's feet, put pictures of her w/ my children on it, quoted some scripture, and made her a gift basket w/ teenager stuff (perfume, lotion, books, framed photo of her and our babies, lip gloss, etc.).

I'm interested to hear what you decide. Let me know!




answers from Dallas on


I would pick a sweet figurine of a woman and child. Willow Tree makes some really sweet ones and they are reasonably priced. This is something she could always keep. They are a little rustic and look hand carved. Most card stores carry them or the christian book store downtown Mckinney has them as well. Good Luck!




answers from Dallas on

Pictures say a thousand words. Also hand and foot prints. I am a day care provider and have every thing I need but love those pictures. We do get attached. I had to let go of four children this week. Three in one family and had them for about a year. I made them little quilts to put on their beds at home so they will always remember we love them. I am sure I will be in contact with the moms again. One had to leave as her job is demanding and she has no back up when I take vacations. The others grandma forced them into a center and is paying the difference. The mom and I are sick but she called the whistle on me with the state and CPS and they are closing the cases but she won. She has never seen my beautiful home or met me or seen how the children had so much more here. I cook with them and do activities and take them swimming and to the park but I am sure their experience at a center will be possitive as they will be separated and can not feed off each other. They will have many to get along with and they will have a schedule like we did here. I sure miss them but boy were they all noisy. When they were at grandmas I guess she talks laugh, and so do they. G. W



answers from Dallas on

Those are great ideas! Hand prints and footprints are so much fun! Easy, personal and really mark a special time in life! I simply traced the hand print on the cards we mailed out for mothers and fathers days and they raved about how cute that was. Made a buck fifty card priceless... Definately a good idea!

If you'd like to do a gift basket, I'd love to help. I'm a Mary Kay consultant and do great gift baskets! You chose what goes in it and its 100% satisfaction guaranteed. Can't go wrong with that! Or a gift card, so she can try before she buys and chose herself...

Just an option! Let me know what you think! Thanks and good luck! It will be so much fun putting it together!!



answers from Dallas on

I love Amber's idea. Definitley something personal would be great. I was thinking maybe a painted flower pot with your child's hand prints and/or foot prints on it with some pretty flowers inside would be nice.



answers from Dallas on

That's nice that you're wanting to give her something. I think most would love something with a picture of your girl in it, even if it's just a really nice card expressing your thankfulness for her care and love for your daughter. That's simple, cheap, and from the heart!



answers from Dallas on

Hi K. - Just incase you run out of time getting things together. I wanted to share with you what I bought my nanny after 3 years of being with my family. It's under $100 (pendant and chain) and something she can wear next to her heart every day. It's a necklace from James Avery.... 2 butterflys that make a heart. I loved it and what it can represent. Your child's heart and her caregivers heart.....

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