Part Time Childcare Suggestions Needed for Plano Area

Updated on November 07, 2010
M.D. asks from Plano, TX
6 answers

I need to line up childcare for my son starting in February. He will be 6 months old. We only need care from 8:30-5:30 on Wednesdays and Fridays and 12:30-4:30 on Thursdays. Anybody know of any daycares in Plano where children can attend on a weird part time schedule like this? We were trying to avoid having to pay for full time daycare and definitely can't afford the $10 or more per hour that it would cost to have someone take care of him in our home.

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answers from Dallas on

Hi M.,
My name is T. Clary and I run an in-home daycare in West Plano. I do take part-time children and would love to discuss your needs. You can read reviews about me under Adventures In Growing childcare or Advnetures in Growing, or by typing in my name. I also have a website



answers from Dallas on

Legacy Learning Center at Legacy/Independence is a fantastic daycare. I know they do part time schedules, and I believe they do it by the day. You would have to pay for 3 days a week and your child can go at anytime between 6:30am - 6:30pm. I am not positive b/c my son always went FT, but you should check them out. I loved them! (Son is in elementary school now).



answers from Dallas on

Loving mom offers a warm and nurturing in-home day care for babies and toddlers.
Daycare trained and experienced
Small group setting
First Aid and CPR trained and certified
Smoke-free home

Located in Garland, Texas, in quiet, safe residential area.
Available M-F, 7:00am - 5:30pm
Part-time and Full-time options
Please call, email or text for rates.




answers from Dallas on

Check out Adventure Kids, give them a call so they give you the price. They are open on Saturdays until midnight. Best wishes and God bless!



answers from Dallas on

I would check on this website: which is an association for providers. You might be able to find someone from there. You can also go to the state's website: You can look up by zip codes and possible find someone near your location. I am a provider in Allen and you are looking a little early. Good Luck in your search.



answers from Dallas on

Children's World, which is now KinderCare, use to allow part time enrollment. There are 3 in Plano.

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