I know how hard it is! It took me 2 years to learn how to get pregnant! A low carb diet did the trick for me. PCOS is caused by insulin resistance, which messes up your hormone levels. The low carb diet stabilizes blood sugar and gets everything normal again so that you are ovulating like you should be.
After I had my first in May of 05, I have had 2 more unplanned pregnancies. It is a heart-wrenching process, but you can do it! Do your research and you'll discover what your body needs. For some people, they can only eat 20 carbs a day. My body responds best at about 50 carbs a day.
Also, try some robitussin when you are ovlulating. It loosens ALL the mucus in the body so the little swimmers can swim a little easier in there. :-) I've heard of some people that this little trick worked for.
I hope this helps!