The only person who can give you this information is your doctor. This is very specialized information. Call him/ her.
i have Palvis ultrasoud on 12th day to know Follicle size i got report, that multiple Follicles seen in overies and in uterus follicle size was 1.5cm and a fibroid in uterus which size is 32 mm.
i need to know is that dangorous and please guid according to follicle size when will be ovulation
The only person who can give you this information is your doctor. This is very specialized information. Call him/ her.
I didn't understand your question, it's a bit jumbled. Are you asking if the fibroid is dangerous? Are you going through fertility treatments? Follicles are not in the uterus, they are in the ovaries. Fibroids are very common...they can be a problem in a pregnancy depending on how big they are and where they are located. However, many women have them and don't know it and have normal pregnancies with them. The hormones in pregnancy can make them grow which is why they can be a problem. I had some fibroids removed years ago so they would not interfere with pregnancy.
We're not doctor's and can't help you with this question. It would best if you asked these questions to the provider who ordered the tests.
I hope things turn out ok for you.
Why in heck are you coming on here?!!!!! Call your dr. already!
I'm sorry. You have a pelvic ultrasound scheduled for the 12th? And you have a 32 mm (which is 1.5 inches) fibroid and you want to know if it's dangerous?
I'm sorry. I'm not a doctor. I would call my OB/GYN and find out what they want to do. I would NOT try to get pregnant while I have fibroids. I would get the issue resolved FIRST.
You NEED to talk to your OB/GYN. Not random strangers who aren't doctors.
Good luck!