Wow! I feel your pain, literally. My grandmother had 7 children, but always had plumbing problems. She is Germana nd stubborn so she never sawa doctor for the issue before menopause. My aunt had to have a hysterectomy at 29 with the birth of her second child due to fibroids, ovarian cysts, and the likelihood of cervical cancer. My mom then had fibroids, ovarian cysts, and had a hysterectomy at the age of 45 after having 3 children. I wasn't as lucky as any of them. After 3 miscarriages, I finally got pregnant again and had a son 6 years ago. While I am very thankful for having one, I am saddened that I will never have another. I am 32 and had a hysterectomy 2 weeks ago. I had the fibroids, ovarian cysts, endometriosis, and the signs of cervical cancer like my aunt. My cervical problem was due to complications in the delivery of my son, but the uterine fibroids and ovarian cysts were most likely inherited. My doctor is really good and open with me. He says that they don't know a lot about fibroids (we tried other surgeries first to rid me of them). They are believed to be inherited, and more common for black women than any other race. I understand that you want to plan ahead for your daughter, but all you can do is stay informed and make her physicians aware of the possibility. My sister, along with my 4 other aunts, have never had complications. So while it can be inherited, it doesn't always have to be. There are several websites that are accurate on these topics. You can try
There are more cites to get info, but these are some really good ones. Good luck!