I'm so sorry if any of my cold feet rubbed off on you the other day!!
I'm not going to sugar-coat this. I think you have some valid concerns... the things you describe would bother me terribly too.
When it comes to marriage, and weighin the pros and cons of a potential life-mate, I don't think we can say that if the pros outweigh the cons, then that's good enough, and reason to marry. I think we need to think more in terms of whether the cons are deal breakers. Every relationship has it's less positive quailities, since relationships are made with people, and we are imperfect, after all. But we need to be clear-mindedly evaluating whether the qualities we now see in our potential sposues are qualities that will make our lives better, or harder. sigh.
I don't know if it helps to know this, but I, too, am taking one last good look at things between my fiance and I, because I want to be SURE that this marriage is the BEST thing for me and my son. And while I know it would be hurtful to call things off, I also know it would be far more so to divorce. It's reasonable and good for us to be doing this. To be really thinking about our lives, and the outcomes and consequences of our decisions. We're smart to do this. So many women get so wrapped up in the engagement/wedding snowball, that they barrel on through the wedding, and are left shell-shocked, saying what the hell did I just do? My cousin and very dear friend is going through this as we speak. We all knew the man she was marrying was a louse. We did everything possible to try to help her see it too. But she snowballed right through our warnings, caught up in all that was going on, and she is now divorcing, 2 years later, with 2 babies. Sad. Had she done what we are, she might have seen this coming. But so many women don't think clearly about the ramifications of getting married.
That's not to say that either of us would end up like my cousin if we do get married... I'm just saying that it's smart, and good to really.think.it.through.
Use your head and your heart, sweetie. You'll do the right thing.
Hugs to you... PM me if you want.