I used to work a rotating shift with 10pm-8pm shifts for 4 weeks on and 6 weeks off. I dont' think you can ever get "used to it", but it is do able. I do suggest getting a routine & sticking to it. And please do NOT think you can survive with a couple "naps" to get through the day/night. Set a block of time 6-8 hours and sleep, as someone else mention, tell your husband this is your "night time" and do NOT disturd u unless the house in on fire! When I first started working nights I felt "guilty" sleeping while the kids were awake/home, so I would cut my sleep short to be with them, this was bad, I was mean and very grouchy!! I soon realized it was better to sleep a little more, spend a little less time with the kids, but at least it was happy times with the kids!
You mentioned your husband will be working saturday until 2, You should plan on sleeping 3-10pm with no interuptions. I also discovered if I took a little nap when I got home, then tried to sleep later it never worked, skip the little naps for the longer strech in the afternoon.
And, for the first night (friday night) I would spend my Friday as usual, then after dinner around 6pm I would take a 'nap' 6-10, that would usually hold me over pretty good, if I tried to nap earlier in the day when the kids naped I would still be tired at bed time, the later evening nap always worked better for me, expecially in the winter when it's dark at 5:30!
and one last tip... make your room DARK, I always put up extra sheets/towels to cover my windows and that really makes a big difference, and I love the ear plug idea someone mention, wish I would of thought of that!