I gave my son zantac and reglan when he was an infant because of gerd. I felt there was little to no relief. However, I do know people who did not address it with medication and their children ended up with holes in their esophogus due to the acid eating it away. On the other hand, though, I learned that my daughter was sensitive to the cow proteins in dairy. I switched off all dairy (consumed soy and goat products instead) and the problem went away...like magic. It was amazing the difference. I wished I had known about the dairy sensitivity before because I now think that was my son's problem and I could have avoid the medication.
For you I would suggest avoiding dairy first. It's worth a try and you should see a difference within a couple of days if that's what the cause is. Both my children outgrew their issues...my son no longer had gerd at about 6-9 months and my daughter's sensitivity to dairy was gone at about 12-18 months. Good luck!