Hi S.:
You made the mistake of listening to those who believe in raising their children with an (Iron Fist)The reason your son went back to his old ways,is because he learned nothing by the extreme actions you took. The only reason he was A (Little Angel) for that short time,is because that was the amount of time it took to get his STUFF BACK.I'll never understand,why some individuals,are so desperate,that they don't care how they get something,just so long as they get it! Respect,is earned,and Love comes naturally,for those patient enough to wait. If you want any relationship to be meaningful,and sincere,you don't DEMAND someone feel that way towards you.Just as you can't force someone to fall head over heels in love with you. You want them to feel it from the heart.You can't make your son respect you.Even if you were the type to beat it out of him,you still would fail.As His true feelings,would be that of fear and resentment. You won't teach your son,how to be responsible,or respectful,by taking away everything he holds precious.You won't gain his respect by taking away A door,and depriving him of any privacy in his life.Stripping a child of all this,only tells him,that he's still A child in your eyes,and that you remain in complete and total control of his life.However miserable he may regard it."Ok so I'll kiss her butt,for a couple months,till I can get my stuff back" That shouldn't be what your goal is here.You want him to have some responsibilities,and learn that if he doesn't follow through,that there are consequences. You don't have to make his life miserable,you don't have to rant and rave.You don't even have to be the bad guy here.If you handle it correctly,he will blame only himself,for his short-comings.You calmly sit down with a reasonable list of chores,then ask him if he feels its to much to ask. He will say NO. It looks very simple on paper.Ok "Now the consequences if you don't follow through" Cut computer time,for a day. "sound fair to you? "Yeah I guess" Second time,he doesn't follow through,one day without phone."Is that fair? "No,but ok" After he assists and agrees to the terms,his neglect to follow through,will be entirely on his shoulders.He didn't do his chores,he's aware now of what the consequences are, He will not be shocked,when he loses a privilege and he has only himself to blame for not following through with the agreement made.You don't even have to squabble about it.Merely hold up the agreement he made with you.There is no weakness, in showing him compassion,or some diplomacy on those days,it can't be prevented.Your his mother not his drill Sergeant.I hope this helps a little.I wish you and your growing son the best.J. M