It's very individual. Mine did not return until 18 months with both my sons (they nursed until 2+ and 3+ respectively). A friend who had 4 kids had hers come back at 9 months with each. Personally, I was very thankful for that nice reprieve.
My daughter is almost 11 months old and I have breastfed her exclusively from birth. I have still not began menstrating and am just curious when other moms out there began cycling after giving birth. My midwife suggested 10 months as a average, but that marker has come and gone for me. I appreciate your sharing!
It's very individual. Mine did not return until 18 months with both my sons (they nursed until 2+ and 3+ respectively). A friend who had 4 kids had hers come back at 9 months with each. Personally, I was very thankful for that nice reprieve.
Hi R., I've been doing the same with my daughter for almost 10 months and I'm not having periods either... I'm enjoying every minute of it! With my son, I went back on the pill when he was 6 wks, and the periods came back almost immediately. I also had a huge decrease in milk production (unfortunately, I didn't clue in at the time that it was pill related). My doctor didn't believe it was the pill, but when I tried it again this time and lost my milk (and had a brief period), I stopped immediately (and so did the periods). My milk came back by the way. Thank goodness!!!!
Can't help you there... I've been nursing for two years and haven't missed a month, always thought as long as I breastfeed I wouldn't have my period...WRONG. I'd just keep enjoying not having it... I've heard usually when you stop it comes within 2-3 months... again, that's from my lucky sisters who had the luxury of not having it while nursing...
I had a friend who got hers back three months after she STOPPED nursing both her kids. I still hadn't gotten mine back four months after I stopped nursing, but it turns out that I was one of those "lucky" ladies who got pregnant without actually having a period between pregnancies. My OBGYN told me that prolactin, the hormone that stimulates milk production, also suppresses ovulation, and until your prolactin level drops low enough, you WILL NOT ovulate or menstruate. "Low enough" is different for everyone though, so it's hard to say when you can expect to start again. My advice....always be prepared. Stash some extra sanitary products in your purse and diaper bag now. :)
It differs for everyone...some women get theirs back within the first few months, others get it back later in the first year, and still others don't get it back until they are no longer nursing. Mine came back at 7 months post partum and has been regular since then!
Between my 3rd and 4th kids, I had one period. I was pregnant for nine months with my son, nursed for 13 months, had one period, and was pregnant again with my daughter, nursed her for 13 months and didn't have a period til a month after she was weaned. It was heaven, thats one period in 44 months LOL! Everyone is different, some people start again after just a small amount of time, others don't have one the entire time they are nursing. Don't be fooled though, you are probably still ovulating and can still get pregnant, so if you don't want another baby yet, be careful :)
I nursed both of my children from birth till 12mo. I did not get a period until about 6 mo after I quit. I was taking the pops pill while nursing and after nursing I switched back to a full strength pill, but still did not have a mentral cycle for about 6 more months. :-) it was nice. Just stay protected and don't worry about it. Your body will soon get back on track. In my case we are done having kids and I'm now wishing I didn't have to worry about a cycle each month.
if you've made it that far(assuming you're not pregnant...), you're probably one of the lucky ones that won't get your period til the nursing is done, and i've heard up to 6 to 8 weeks past that. i wouldn't "worry" until a few months past weaning. congrats and consider yourself lucky!
I have 3 children and didn't start my cylce with any of them until 1-2 months after weaning them.
I never began menstrating again until after I stopped nursing. I nursed each child for 14 months.
I breastfed for a year and I would say my period began the month after I stopped. Enjoy it while you can!
It varies for everyone. I got mine back at 6-7 weeks postpartum with each of mine despite exclusively breastfeeding all 3 of my kids (the first 2 each nursed for a year and the 3rd for 2 1/2 years)!! I was one of the "unlucky" ones I guess.
Keep in mind that you may still be able to get pregnant even if your periods have not resumed.
with my first, it was only a few months after birth. but the second one was 7 months off. you are lucking out, yet please keep protected unless you want to get pregnant again!
Mine started when the baby started nursing less-about 10 months and she weaned herself around 11-12 months. Hope this helps.