I look forward to hearing other responses as well.
My son is 15 months, was exclusively breast fed
for the first 11-12 months and I still have not
had my period.
Thanks for asking such an awesome question!!
Hello Everyone,
This is probably a question for those of you who exclusively breastfed for a long time...
I was wondering when it is normal for your period to return? (My son has just turned 1 in June and I think I've had my first period back just this week...) He breastfed exclusively for about 9 months and slowly started eating food from there. Recently he's been nursing less and less.)) When it does return, do you have your normal cycles again or does it take your body awhile to get back on schedule?
I look forward to hearing other responses as well.
My son is 15 months, was exclusively breast fed
for the first 11-12 months and I still have not
had my period.
Thanks for asking such an awesome question!!
It really depends on a lot of factors like whether you are using birth control and what kind. Also every woman's body is different. Some never have a period while breastfeeding, some get one immediately after weaning, some it takes a few months after weaning, some get one 6 weeks after delivery despite the fact that they breastfeed exclusively. All of these scenarios are totally normal.
Good luck,
I am a mother that has breastfed her children until they were at least 2. My period came back after a year with the first and 18 months after the second. It came back normal as can be each time.
I got my period back around 3 months, even though I breastfed for almost a year. I was surprised it came back so early! When it came back, it was very regular - same as before the pregnancy.
I breastfed my son for the first year... he weaned himself:( I was so bummed, I was not ready! I got my first period at about 11 months. Before getting pregnant I didn't have a regular period, but I do now. It now comes the same time every month.
Let me say that all my kids started solids at 5 months, but I never supplemented with formula. My daughter weaned herself at 19 months and I got my period at 16 months. My son weaned at 16 months and I got my period at 15 months. My last son just weaned at almost 21 months and I got my period shortly before that. With my last son my first cycle was long, like 45 days but now it is normal. I always hated when it comes back.
Hi Miranda,
I nursed each of my three boys for over a year, exclusively for 6-8 months. My cycles didn't resume until after a year with the first two and at about 9 months with the youngest. As I recall, it was light at first but the schedule became regular very quickly.
It sounds like you have a very nice life for your little ones. And congratulations for nursing so long. It's the best food they could have. Obviously you know that.
I have 5 nursed children, and my experience is that (for me) my periods do not return until sometime around a year. It is different for each child. And then when they do return they are not regular until I completely ween the child.
I have also learned that just because I haven't seen my period that it doesn't mean I'm not fertile. However, I always had at least 1 cycle between each child.
Hope this helps. :)
Miranda, I think it is different for everyone. After I quit breast feeding it took about 3 months for my period to return, but after baby number 1 I was extremely irregular. After baby number 2, again it took about 3 months, but it was alwawys on time. Now I am onto baby number 3, we will see how it goes this time.
If it is something you are worried about, I wouldn't it sounds normal to me, but if you have real concerns talk to your Dr.
its probably normal to get your period back right about where you are. however, its probably going to be far from normal for a while. mine wasnt normal at all, sometimes it was spotty for a while and stuff.. but anyway, you are probably just fine, just trust your instincts if you feel something is wrong, then you should see your doctor. otherwise, you are probably fine. :D
awesome! :D
I nursed my son for 14 months, and when my period returned (when he turned 11 months), it was regular from then on. I was wondering about it too, but now, like most women, I would rather be without!
I breastfed my first up until a year (he bit every session starting at 6 months...) and my period returned at around 6 1/2 months, shortly after we started solids. With my second, my period returned less than three weeks after I stopped bleeding from the pregnancy despite exclusively breastfeeding.
I breastfed my first child for eleven months and several weeks after she was born, I got my period and immediately called the hospital because I thought something was wrong. Everyone tells you that your period doesn't come back until you are much farther down the road with nursing. Not true! I breastfed my youngest daughter for 22 months and my period came back a few weeks after she was born. Delay of the return of the 'monthly' was a benefit I never saw. I think it's different for everyone.
With my 1st child, She weaned about 7 1/2 mo. and I didn't get my period for another month or so. My son is now 8 mo. and I got my period 2 wks. ago. Not sure if he's nursing alot less than she did at this point? They were both eatin g the same amount of solids at this time. Not sure why the difference. Periods fairly normal tho. Guess everyone is different.
I breastfed for a year and began to wean to food around 9 months also. I got my first period when my daughter turned 11 months. It was pretty light. The following month was a bit heavy. It took 2-3 months for my period to become "normal" again. I've had friends who were exclusively breastfeeding and got their period at 6 months. Others didn't get their period until a month after their baby was weaned....it really varries from person to person.
I think everyone is different, I nursed my son exclusively for 13 months(he wouldn't take a bottle and had reflux),I introduced cereal and veggies at about 5 months although it didn't decrease his nursing, and my normal cycle returned as early as 5 months after birth.
Good luck
I exclusive breastfed my daughter for her first 9 months then 1/2 time. Unfortunately for me my period returned before she came home from the hospital almost 2 months after she was born! I got ripped!
It will start coming back the less and less your nurse. It might be spotty one month and a little more the next or it may come back all at once, but once you start weening your body starts getting back on schedule then. With all of mine I was period free the whole time ;) and when I started to ween my periods came back like clock work. It should come back more as you breastfeed less. Hope this helps.
Hello Miranda,
Unfortunatealy mine came back the next month after I stopped.. I it was an extra day than normal, but the month after that it was back to normal again. Your body gets right back on track.
E. B
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I breastfed my daughter exclusively for six months and it took another five or so months after I stopped for my period to return and since then it has not been normal at all. So I really think it is individualistic.
I breastfed my son exclusively for 14 months. My period came back the month he turned 1 and things became regular right away. Everybody is probably a little different. Congratulations on nursing him so long!
Looks like everyone is different :)
My first child - bf until 17 1/2 months - had periods starting at 11 months - he was eating more and more, nursing only to sleep at night
Second pregnancy/birth was a full-term stillbirth, so had only two periods after her birth, became pregnant and miscarried, two more periods, then pregnant with our second child
Second child - bf until 23 months (with her being our sixth pregnancy and having had three m/c and ond sb - and multiple fertility issues, we didn't think I'd become pregnant - but did! no periods between!
third child - bf'ing still, and she's 18 1/2 months - no period, yet!
Shared all this - because I think your body will do what it should - and that will be normal for you :)
I see you've got a ton of responses already... but I thought I'd add mine. :) I got my period six weeks after my daughter was born, and I'm still breastfeeding her (no formula, but she's getting solids now). I was a little surprised, but my midwife said that happens to some women.
The only thing is my cramps are way worse than they ever were before I got pregnant. I used to have mild cramping when I had PMS, but now for about a day I have cramps that make me double-over in pain. But I take some Midol and it helps.
I exclusively breastfed my son as well. He was weaned at 14 months. My period did not return until then. I stopped nursing and then it came back. The first couple cycles were a little strange, but not it is back to normal. I guess that depends on your body as well as any birth control you may or may not use. Congrats on nursing !!!
Hi Miranda,
I see you have tons of responses but figured I'd add one more:) I breastfed both kids for 2 years. They started on cereal at six months. With each of them my period returned when the kids were 9 months. With my oldest, I was spotty for a few months but then I returned to a regular cycle. With my youngest I started with a regular cycle at 9 months. And lucky me, I ended up with ovarian cysts on my left ovary so decided to go on the pill after 3 months of having them burst. You really shouldn't have to experience pain like that unless you are going to be getting a baby afterwards!
I nursed both my sons till over 14 months (the first I weaned 14-15 months and second at 16 months). With the first I started getting periods when he was around 9 months (I was pregnant again when he was 11) and the second I didn't get a period until he was 12 months (and again I was pregnant when he was 14 months).
My cycles were nearly normal right away once I started getting a period.
SAHM to Charlie and Joey and #3 due Nov.
Hello Miranda,
Well I say count your blessings.... After my 1st baby I only did breastfeeding and it came back after 3 months.
After my second child I only did breastfeeding and it came back after 1.5 months everyones different and everyones body goes back in it's own time.
Cheers, L.
Best of luck!
PS: and exclusive breastfeeding with our without a period IS NOT AGOOD BIRTH CONTROL you can even get pregnant when you haven't actually had your period back (visually). 4 people in my extended family have gotten prego during exclusive B/F some with period back and some without.
Read Breastfeeding and Natural Child Spacing, as this explains the biology of how breastfeeding affects your cycles, hormone levels etc. There are 7 criteria that affect ovulation, cycles etc and the whole thing will make sense. The biggest factor is exclusive breastfeeding and nighttime breastfeeding. As soon as your baby starts sleeping through the night, or you supplement, your periods are more likely to return. My kids didn't stop night time nursing for quite a while and my cycles didn't return (26 months with baby #1) even when we were thinking about the next baby. Yes, I am a long term nurser and we love all the time together!
Good Luck,
Unfortunately, there is no clear answer. If you are weaning it will probably return to a normal cycle fairly quickly. If you are still nursing quite a lot it may return to normal right away or it may be somewhat erratic for a while.
Yes, it is normal for your period to return and especially when you increase solids and decrease milk intake. My son also just turned 1 and I started having one again 2 months ago. I think everyone is different, as far as their cycle, but I've been lucky to be within a few days of my "normal" cycle.
I breastfed exclusively for a year with my daughter and I believe I got my period 3 months after I had stopped. I went on birth control 4 months after and it's been 6 months since I stopped breastfeeding and I still can't get my period regulated- frustrating.
Obviously its not something I have personal experience of http:\\www.a-little-wish.co.uk. However I do know that everone is different. DOnt worry about them returning normally or not - your body will do it when it is ready ... DO NOT RELY on it for contrceptive purposes ... as many I know are tandem feeding :)
Everyone is different... I got my back with both my babies when they were about 3mth old, and my friend got hers back when her son was 6mths... i all depends on your body.. good luck
I exclusively breast fed for only about 5 months before he started eating cereal. I think I got my period back when he was 6- almost 7 months old because he was starting to eat more solids and breast feed a bit less. When it did come back it was pretty regular but it was light though. I've heard others say it was different for them its not the same for everyone.
I breastfed exclusively for 4 months and started some baby food jars at 5 months. My period returned a couple or three weeks before the baby turned 12 weeks. My period with both kids returned around the same time and my periods were not out of the normal.
I have a 15 month old and am still breastfeeding him. My period did not return until he was 13 months old. I had a very irregular menstrual cycle before my pregnancy. Now my cycle seems to be regular. It all may vary from woman to woman but this is my experience. :)
There is no "normal." I got my period exactly 4 weeks after I gave birth to my son, and I was breastfeeding exclusively at the time.
My cycles have always been extremely regular, so I wasn't surprised.
The only indicator I've heard again and again from women is that the more regular and predictable your period was before you were pregnant, the sooner it will return.