My son is 6 and does the same thing. And it breaks your heart when they say they are lonely and miss you. He would be up til 11 pm sometimes and if I went upstairs for something he would say he was lonely and wanted me to be with him. I know I probably shouldn't do it but a lot of nights, not every night, I lay down with him for a little bit in the dark in his bed and we just talk about things or I just lay there with him til he falls asleep. Usually I am there at most for 15-20 minutes. If I have a lot to do I tell him that I can't stay with him tonight and tell him all that I have to accomplish. But still many nights he'll lie awake for an hour or 2. I figure that the same thing doesn't work for every child. He can fall asleep on his own but there will come a time when he won't even want me around so I don't think it's too bad to just spend a little time with him. Also, if I think he's going to want me to stay I put him in bed a little bit earlier. I think it also has to do with how school went and how much time I spent with him after work. Good luck.