Nonprofit Organization

Updated on December 05, 2006
D.R. asks from Flower Mound, TX
6 answers

I have many ideas for a non-profit organization and was wondering if anybody else had done this before and can give me any advice. I want to know what steps do I need to take,how do I really start rolling the ball, and what is needed to actually start it. If you would like more details to be able to give better advice feel free to private message me, I just dont want to go into a bunch of the details, since I dont really have all the kinks out or details covered, yet.

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answers from Dallas on

I am right on board with you. I do not know how to start it, but maybe visiting the library and asking the librarian to point you in the direction of books about nonprofits.
Let me know more about it as it gets started, I value our world and those in it, and try to make positive changes. my email is

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answers from Dallas on

I'm not sure about running a non profit but I do own a business. My advice is find a good CPA that specializes in non profit organizations. They can setup the organization and help guide you through various laws and regulations that you will need to adhere to. Good luck!

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answers from Dallas on

You might want to contact your local Chamber of Commerce. Ask them how to contact S.C.O.R.E. That is a group of local businesspersons (retired) whom typically can offer you a wealth of FREE information.

Good luck!!!


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answers from Dallas on

I would first "act as if" you were already a non-profit while you are applying for your 501C3 status. Get together a temorary board and volunteer pool. Start doing it is what you want to do and you'll be well on your way once you have your non-profit status.

I noticed that one of your concerns is the AIDS epedemic. Each year I ride a bike ride called the Lone Star Ride Fighting AIDS. It's a 175-mile ride from Dallas to Houston over two days in September. It's a great place to meet others who like to "change the world". Email me back for more info on the ride or go to

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answers from Dallas on

Well that is a HUGE questions with a gigantic answer, but to narrow it down for you...your organization needs to become a 501C3 with the IRS. This is the link to give you the basics....
This application process will make your organization legal to accept donations and be tax exempt etc. It will also make you think through a lot of specifics. I am also very interested in your efforts. I have worked for non-profits most of my career, until quitting to become a SAHM of our 8-month old girl. Please let me know more about your mission etc. Thanks,
K. (

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answers from Dallas on


The Center for Nonprofit Management in Dallas has workshops available about becoming a 501c3 and they can help you with everything you need. You will want to join as a member so that you can take advantage of all the workshops at a discount.

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