awwww no fun. Fun Police at it again?
Yes, we are doing Valentines, but the teachers said they would be providing snacks, so, I assume they are trying to limit the sugar. I'm totally ok with that.
My 3rd grade daughter told me her teacher told them this morning no valentines.
Is your 3rd gader excahnging?
No...I did change the question and I apologize for that. It's not like me to do that, but I thought better of the topic I was putting out there. This is a valid question though.
Here is the response I got from him on the email I sent asking what was up:
"The whole Valentine's Day thing was explained in detail several weeks ago. We have many students who are not able to get cards for everyone and it is unfair to them. It also causes problems with students who get and others who do not. I am going to have popcorn and drink during math time as a treat. We are just a few weeks from MSA and we do not have the time to take away from instruction for parties. Our administration is focused on us with the testing. I have a couple other students who are also bringing in some treat. Hope this helps you out."
But three of my friends kids ARE exchanging cards. Now I feel the need to go over and above for my kids tomorrow.
awwww no fun. Fun Police at it again?
Yes, we are doing Valentines, but the teachers said they would be providing snacks, so, I assume they are trying to limit the sugar. I'm totally ok with that.
I swear this wasn't the question it was a few minutes ago, but I'll play...
Yes. My son's third grade class is exchanging valentines.
My fourth grade son's class is exchanging. Party, also. I wonder why they waited until today to tell them....
Notification that our 3rd graders ARE exchanging valentines came home late last week for us. I was beginning to think that they were not. Although every class has "Friendship" parties tomorrow so I suppose it is something that will continue.
Although to wait until this morning to tell your daughter doesn't seem right because how many parents assumed and already bought them? I think I would drop the teacher an e-mail to find out the rest of the story.
Hi, MoM:
Call and ask the Principal why this is happening.
Usually all children get a valentine from each other.
Unless of course, some children can't afford them.
Ask the principal why.
If they can't afford the store bought ones, they can make their
Just a thought.
*YES my kiddos are doing valentines, but since that little girl a county over recently passed away from an allergy, they're not allowing any treats in the valentines, like the lollipop or fun dip ones, or cookies or cupcakes or anything fun like that...
My frist grader is and as far as I know, every elementary class is
You can't do that to us...now I'm super curious!! ;)
Ok...I'll "play" too. I also have a 3rd grader and asked the teacher about 2 wks ago if they'd be exchanging valentines and she said they would be. I figure it's gotta stop one of these years, I mean..they won't be exchanging in middle school, right?! I'm assuming it'll stop for my daughter next year. In 3rd grade though it's still such a big hit with the kids. Too bad yours will miss out so soon. :( She can still send individual ones in the mail though! Happy Valentine's Day!
Yes, our 3rd grader is doing it and for homework had to decorate a box to put them in. However, my 6th grader isn't.
Our school K-5 is exchanging Thursday.
My 3rd grader is visiting a nearby nursing home with the kindergarten class in the morning to spread a little love. The last hour of the day they are having a class party with a chocolate fountain, fruit, pretzels, juice, games, and exchanging their valentines with eachother. Any excuse for a party at his school--Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Valentines, Easter, Muffins for Moms in May and Donuts for Dads in Oct, Grandparents/Special Person Day, Teacher Appreciation Week, etc! It makes for a nice break from routine for the kids.
I understand that they don't want to make feel bad those who can't afford or those like me who forget some years.
But, just saying this today!
Is just one day away, many parents already have bought stuff, grrrr!
There are so many activities to not only celebrate the holiday but to use it for stick kids together...ok that doesn't sounds good but I can't come with the right words. I mean like write in a piece of paper one good thing about each other and draw a little something and pass it along per example.
Slowly by slowly they are going to get rid of everything we had as a kid. I am so glad that our school has not. They still have the pumpkin contest, costume parade, winter party, valentine party...with valentines and the kids make a cute mailbox to bring in and end of year party. (along with fun field days etc) There are always those that want to take away the fun. They find one reason or another.
We were a little broke one year. We made construction paper hearts and taped one starburst to each.
Yes, my daughter's 3rd grade class is. So is my 1st grader and pre-schooler Always, every year... They wrote in a letter (over a week ago, mind you... your child's teacher SHOULD have said something a while ago), to make sure you give valentines to everyone, so no one feels left out.
No candy or sweets... Our school is trying to get the Governor's health award (blah, blah, blah), so we also do no sweet treats for birthdays either.
We are giving stickers and temporary tattoos with theirs
My pre ker is! the teachers are providing the snacks and we are only to provide the valentines with our child's name on them - they spent all last week working on "mailboxes" to place them in. It is perfect it goes with thier current theme "people in the city" they are going to be post office workers the next two weeks!
I have a 3rd grader, and YES. It is one of two or three parties they get this year. Did she give a reason? I'd definitely follow up. If nothing else, maybe you can get it changed for next year.
Yes, my sons class is. I agree, talk to the teacher just in case ,or call the school directly and ask if the parties are not happening this year, it wouldn't be fair for one class to be exluded. Maybe she meant no candy. I was even sent a sheet home with all the kids names and a request to bring a box of capri suns, all the parents are asked to donate something to the party. I handmade the Valentines, you can see them here, which are also good for the non-candy allowed ones:
I would call the teacher, or send an e-mail and ask if there is a reason why. A friend of mine is unable to send candy valentines with her daughter because of a healthy schools initiative in her school. They can still send card ones though. I also know of some lower income schools who ask students not to send, simply because not all kids can afford to do so, and they don't want to leave anyone out. I would ask the teacher for an explanation, but I wouldn't bother the principal with it. He has more than enough other things to be concerned with.