Some of my kids did this and some didn't and at different ages. This too shall pass. I'd include him and give him attention. If he's being mean, then I'd try to nip that and teach him kindness but otherwise, I think he'll outgrow this soon. =)
My son is 11 months old and for the last couple of months I have noticed that he always comes to me when my 3 year old daughter wants attention. He will stop whatever he is doing and come over and want my attention too. It has gotten increasingly worse and now he does it when my husband is hugging me too. He will put himself right in the middle of me and whoever. I'm not sure if I should give him attention or just try to include him or what to do. I know that it is normal with a healthy bond but it seems to be a little over the top. At almost one I don't want to reinforce this behavior but I am not sure what I should do. I don't remember this with my daughter but she didn't have a sibling to contend with. She always wants to be included in Mommy and Daddy hugs though so maybe it's completely normal?
Some of my kids did this and some didn't and at different ages. This too shall pass. I'd include him and give him attention. If he's being mean, then I'd try to nip that and teach him kindness but otherwise, I think he'll outgrow this soon. =)
My 13 month old daughter does it too. I just usually bring her in as well. It usually ends up with all three of our kids on my lap and i just love it. I never really thought much about it, she is just a little possesive right now and she will get over it soon enough and want nothing to do with me I am sure. I have been at home for a few months and will be returning to the work force in a few weeks, so i just take all I can get right now. I think it is fine to bring him in and he will eventually understand to wait his turn and that you will love on him too, but I would not make them wait at that age.
You won't make him worse by including him in the hug at 11 months. He'll outgrow this stage himself as his impulse control improves. This is extremely common behavior in young children. My grandson did it too, for about 2 months or so.
I think you are right. He wants the attention too. I would make sure that you tell him to wait a minute, you are hugging Daddy or sister, and that his turn is next. Then give him a snuggle too. I wouldn't stop giving the attention to the other though, just ask him to wait over your shoulder, while you continue your current hug. He needs to see the loving interactions between the family, understand that it isn't always about him, but yet still feel loved and included.