Your child is a baby still, only 10 months old.
Here is a link about 10 month old development:
They are going through so much developmental changes...their emotions aren't even formed fully yet, and still developing as well as their cognitive skills.
"Ignoring" is not appropriate at this age, for a baby. No matter what, methods have to be age appropriate. "Ignoring" may have been the thing that some parents do, with a much older child, not a baby. Sometimes... when a child gets into the "habit" of tantruming and does it repeatedly as a "negative" behavior, sometimes not over-reacting to them can help... this may have been what the person meant. Some kids feed off of pushing their parents buttons and it does not help to focus on this behavior. That is just one method. But again, for a much older child, who has cognitive skills already. "Ignoring" does not necessarily mean "neglect" them. There is a whole bunch of other actions that go in conjunction with this...not just plain "ignoring" the child. It also means teaching them at the same time, through voice and actions.
Anyway, try looking at the links. This would be the best as it comes from "experts" in the field, and what other parents opinions are.
At this age, don't expect a baby to fully "understand." Impulse control is not even developed yet in a takes until about 3 years old for "full impulse control" to develop. Their only way to communicate, since they are not able to talk yet, is whining and crying and tantrums. It's okay. It's normal. They need nurturing... many times, it will take all kinds of approaches, as each situation may be different. I'm sure all Moms have tried everything you are doing at one time or another. I know I have. Just don't expect the behavior to go away. And, as they approach the "terrible 2's" stage/phase... a whole other kind of emotionality will emerge then too... and full blown melt downs and tantrums. Their developing emotions/communication/cognitive abilities are hard for them too.... redirect, distract, nurture, find what works for your child. Each child differs in personality and tenacity... and temperament.
Hope the links help, all the best,