We moved our BF son to his own crib when he was a bit younger, and we definitely did NOT regret the decision. We started by putting him in the crib for naps, so that he could get used to sleeping in that environment. After about a week of that we put him in there for the night.
We used a modified version of the Ferber method for sleep training and were very happy with it. (We never let him cry as long as 10-15 minutes unless we had the sense that going back in would make things worse rather than better - and you can usually tell about it). I think it took less than a week and everyone was happy. My son continued to wake up for 1 late-night/early morning (~3 AM) feeding and I would keep him wrapped up in his blanket while I nursed him. I probably could have eliminated this if I really cared, but I didn't have the heart to do it (esp. because he refused to take a bottle during the day). As he approached 12 months this drifted towards 5 AM and once he turned a year I decided he didnt' need that one. Once we limited the amount he was drinking before bedtime (he liked to drink his bath water) he started sleeping through until around 6:30 (7:00 bed time), and he's been doing that ever since.