ABSOLUTELY! This is the only way we have been able to train our children through the night. If I waited for their bodies to adjust on their own, I think I'd still be waiting :) No, it's no fun for mom and dad. But it has been necessary for us. It has been successful for my 6-year-old son (who completely wakes himself and gets up on his own now, since about age 4) and my stepdaughter who is now 12 and really struggled with this up until about age 9 (I think she has more emotional issues and a lack of continuity between houses; she can still have an accident! We make no big deal out of it.)
What we do is limit drinks at dinner (1 small glass) and no more liquid before bedtime (rinsing after toothbrushing is ok). Then potty immediately before bed at 8pm. Up in the middle of the night to go potty (11 pm), AND up early to go potty (4 or 5 am). As you work through this, you will find that you can start skipping the middle of the night and stick with only the bedtime and early morning. It takes a year or more, stick with it! It will happen.
We are working on our 4-year-old son right now with this. Some nights he gets it right, sometimes not. He will fight us if his pull-up is dry and say "I don't need to go". I give him no choice. I just say, "You need to try, no matter what". 9 times out of 10, he has to go.
It is not fun to get up all this time, esp. in the early mornings (of course we should not have had kids if we didn't want to do the work to go with it - so we are happy to help our children.) My husband and I try to split it up so it's only one of us up at a time. He goes to work early a.m. so this is his time to do the potty routine.
I would say there is most likely nothing wrong with your child to be still dealing with it at this age. You have to educate him and work with her, just like developing any new habit. If in a year she still has problems, then I would see a doctor just to be sure.
I have a friend with an 8yo daughter who cannot stay dry throughout the night. She does not understand why. She thinks her daughter should awaken on her own and go to the bathroom. Yet she freely admits she has NEVER ONCE woken her up to get her on a routine, and she has no interest in doing so because it would interrupt her (the mother's) sleep! A bit of a selfish parent...yes, you could say that. If you don't want to do the work, you won't get the desired results. So her daughter is the one who suffers. Her mother believes that at some point she will awaken herself on a regular basis. I don't know, maybe it will happen. But at 8 to be still wetting the bed without a medical reason - that is too old in my book.
Best of luck to you!