Hi B., My son, now 10 months, failed the newborn hearing test, and they did it like 6 times before I went home. I took him back 3 weeks later for a retest and he failed again, in the left ear. we were referred out to a place in Tarzana, but I never took him there. My ped recommended he go to House Ear Institute, in LA, so we went there. He was diagnosed with a unilateral hearing loss, called Audio Neuropothy, is is neurological and we found out at 7 weeks. There is awesome resources out there, if you need help, please let me know. Follow up with your docs and stay on top of this until you know for sure. It can be hard, I know from experience. my son is my 4th and with a busy/crazy loud household he was sleeping thru it all, he had not startle affect either. I was extreamy sad to find out he had no hearing in the left ear, and he never will hear from it, they cannot fix it with sergury or a hearing aid, but that is ok. I prayed to GOD for the strength to handle it and now I am fine with it. He does have hearing in the right ear and he is above normal when it comes to his gross motor skills, shut, the kid is already walking and talking! I wish you the best and if you need anything, please send me an e-mail. He also has a specialist teacher and a speach therapist from the Oxnard School District that comes to my house once a month to see how he is progressing, and they will continue to come until he is 3, then he will have other teachers to help him in school when he goes. IT is a great program! Good luck! M.