New to Mamapedia - Wichita,KS

Updated on October 19, 2012
S.H. asks from Wichita, KS
5 answers

Are there any moms out there that have a child in a special education program? If so, have there been visible benefits?

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answers from Portland on

My grandson is in a special education program. He's 9 and has been since he was 2 1/2. Yes there have been visible benefits.

Without knowing your situation I can't give any input or advice. There are many different reasons to be in a special ed program.

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answers from St. Louis on

I am not sure what you mean by special education setting only because there are so many of them.

I will use my Andy as an example though technically my daughter Genna also gets special ed services. He went to preschool with pull out therapy. Same thing for kindergarten through second. In second grade mainstream didn't have the resources he needed so he was transferred to one of the special ed schools. At that point he was in what most consider traditional special ed.

He has been back in mainstream since 6th grade.

Everything the school has done has had a benefit. He would not have done well if we hadn't switched, he would not be where he is today if he had not switched back.

So I am not sure if I have answered your question because I am not exactly sure what your question is. Andy is 13 and thriving if that helps. :)

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answers from San Francisco on


Ok, I don't personally. But my good friend has a special needs daughter that has thrived in her special ed program. She goes every day on the bus to school and participates with the other children. She has a severe seizure disorder that has left her with the emotional age of a 3 year old but she is actually 20 years old. She graduated from high school. Its incredible that she did that-----So yes, wonderful benefits for her emotionally and just the routine alone has helped. Good luck!

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answers from Jacksonville on

I have no personal experience, but wanted to say "Welcome!"

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answers from Wichita on

I myself do not but I can only imagine that any child would benefit from these programs unless they were just completely corrupt or something.

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