My oldest is starting kindergarten too in two weeks, but I did have her in preschool a couple of days a week so I'm not too worried yet at least.
When you leave school that first day, just give a kiss say have a great day and good bye then leave and don't hesitate and look back or hang around. Also, I too worry but keep thinking that I want my child to be positive and not too fearful of others. In some ways, it's a small leap of faith to believe that there's more good people than bad and that she has more positive experiences. If something negative happens, have that as a teaching moment that not all people behave in the best way etc.
I think the best thing to ease your mind is to volunteer in the classroom/library/lunch room and to make sure you can attend any school backtoschool functions. Also, to help with your anxiety if you are a SAHM then take a class, join the gym or start a small coffee morning break with the other kindergarten moms. One of the preschool moms one year just invited the kindergarten moms to her house for coffee, tea, and coffeecake. It was a great way to start the year!