Hi C.,
I agree with the other moms who've posted already: you can't force a child to potty train. You can definitely guide them, but in the end it is up to the child to start the process.
I was in your shoes a few months ago, and I made the mistake of pushing my son to potty train, too, but he resisted. So I stopped pushing, and accepted the situation, and told him that it's okay for him to stay in diapers longer. I also told him that big boys wear underpants and when he was ready, he could wear them. I kept the potty near us and accessible at all times at home.
My son is friends with many older children (kindergartners at my school) who use the potty, and after some time he wanted to use the potty, too....
Actually, exactly on his third birthday he told me he would like me to call him a "big boy" instead of a baby, and soon after that, he wanted to wear underpants. It helped that he also wanted to be a ninja, and I told him that ninjas wear big boy underpants, too!!!
I was amazed at how fast he potty-trained himself, and it taught me a lesson that you as a parent can always guide your child, but your child has ultimate control in the potty training. It is a very empowering experience for the child when it happens, but it takes a lot of patience beforehand.