I think I went through nearly the same thing with the sleep routine. I suggest pumping and giving her a bottle to sleep with ALONE. It's one of the hardest parts about letting go, and it'll break your heart every time she cries, but she needs to learn that she won't be nursing any longer, but she'll still get the comfort of suckling on a bottle. Soon you'll have to replace milk with water, once the teeth come in to prevent cavities and decay. I just have to warn you of engorgment when you quit nursing.. It was a nightmare for me. I was told to put cabbage in your bra when weaning-- some old wives tale, but no one told me this til I had suffered. I went 2 days and 1 night without feeding 1 drop.. I leaked and sprayed everywhere!!! my boobs were rock hard and they hurt like hell. But I was done with. My daughter was nearly 9 months and starting to bite. I pumped and stored for a little while, which I would suggest, if you can, because formula gets expensive! Anyway, i hope it all works out for you. I know it's not easy, but you can do it!