first off i wanted to say i'm so proud of you that you have such a willing attitude, and are ready to work for your marriage. you guys are definitely NOT alone! my husband and i are going through a rough stage too - marriage is HARD. it's hard enough, but when finances are tight, and other stressers are added, it makes it immensely harder. our saving grace has been my mom, who watches my son on weekends sometimes. i don't know where we'd be without those occasional breaks. probably splitting up! is there anyone you can ask to watch your girls for a night? a few hours during the day is okay, but an overnight stay with a trusted relative or friend is 100% different. and not just once, but maybe once a month or every other month. basically what i'm saying is you both need time to focus on JUST the two of you. it can be hard if you don't have family close but there are options, you can search online and find someone (i think it's like sitterfinder.com or something). even a friend or coworker (with kids maybe?) would be an option.
once you have a sitter, you don't have to spend money on a big date night. one thing my hubby and i do when we have a night alone is pull the mattress off the bed, into the livingroom, and stay up late watching movies (redbox is only a dollar!). you can use your imagination for other activities ;)
finally i'll just say (and it sounds like you're already doing it) be open and honest with your hubby, keep the lines of communication open. one of our "things" is that he likes to shower directly after coming home from work, so while he's "cornered" and can't get away, i'll hang out in the bathroom and we'll talk about our days. we even have our "money" talks that way, and if it gets serious i'll put our son in front of a tv show for ten minutes. it's helpful because like i said, i know he won't be getting away. but i try to acknowledge my part in things as well as his feelings about it. it takes two so i hope your hubby is as ready to work for it as you are. good luck, and if you need to talk i'm here, email me anytime!