Is there any way you could you drive your husband to school a few days a week. That way you could have the car some of the time. Maybe stop off at a city park on these mornings or in the afternoons on your way to pick him up?
Could you at least drive him to a bus stop that will take him the rest of the way to school?
This will be good for all of you, a few more minutes with dad in the mornings and the afternoon.
Maybe see if there are any mom groups that meet in public places.
Maybe some other families of pharmacy students?
Maybe start your own group for families that are in the same sort of situation.
Also if you are going to welcome some of these other children you need to come up with some of your own rules. I always had rules of the house when others came over to play.. And our daughters friends also always had kstated expectations about behaviors.
Here are some suggestions. Respect our home. If you all make the mess, no one can leave until the mess is cleaned up. Proper language.
No fighting or you will be sent home.
No eating out of the kitchen unless I have given you permission.
Agreed time for visits, or the child will not be allowed back.
Make them what ever you need them to be.