I am so sorry you are in this situation. It sounds very stressful. I have not been in your situation, but perhaps a few suggestions. I don't know why talking to your husband about bankruptcy would cause him to talk about divorce... but if you are having financial difficulties, you do need to address them ASAP. If bankruptcy is too big of a mental leap for him to make, would he be open to meeting with a financial planner? Frankly, we use one, and she is not cheap - but even if you met with her one time and it was the introductory "free" session, she would probably be able to tell you just in that one session that you are headed toward bankruptcy (if indeed your situation is that bad).
Also, (I know this might be hard), but you probably can't say anything to your hubby that sounds like "The problem is my husband is the one who got us into this situation". Even if that is true, he isn't likely going to be receptive to you saying that, and may be so defensive that he can't hear all the reasonable suggestions you are making. Another good thing about a financial planner - he/she would be a neutral party looking at your spending habits, and he/she would be the "bad guy" saying your husband needs to clean up his spending habits (if that is the case).
Finally, is there anyone to whom you've confided all this? You said you didn't tell your parents. You are going to need support (and probably better advice than we annonymous moms can give you). This is all a lot of stress for you, and it sounds like your hubby is also stressed and perhaps taking some of that stress out on you. If you start going to a financial planner, bankruptcy lawyer, or perhaps even marriage counselor (?), you are going to need support for you. Try to find the right person for that.
Good luck, and know that you can get through this tough time!