My understanding is that Conusmer Credit Counselling is free, and that those you owe are anxious to work with them. (Is that not the case nationwide? Regardless, I bet if those you owe knew you were considering filing, they'd work with you.)
Please remember that filing bankruptcy affects more people than just you. I think sometimes we forget that there are real people who lose when we do not pay our debts. When we think of a company, corporation or hospital as having treated us unfairly, or just some big thing without a face run by weatlhy people, it's easier to file bankruptcy. But the truth of the matter is that by doing so, you have taken a good or service without paying for it and someone has to pay that price. Many people end up taking a hit for it, on several different levels.
And not just the one to whom is owed money-- society also ends up paying a price for that. This drives up expenses for everyone.
Please, please, please only do this as a last resort. It is really tough, yes. But please don't effectively "steal" from our children and community if there is another way.
There may not be another way. And if that is the case, please forgive my frankness. It is good that bankruptcy is available. I just hope it truly is a LAST resort. In our society of wealth, I'm afraid so many of us don't know how or are unwilling to live simply. So much debt could be avoided by committing to live within our means.