R., i have a 16-month-old and i do freelance writing from home off and on. it is tough! i love my husband, but i feel like i have to do everything - work, get groceries, cook, clean, etc, and it can be completely overwhelming. i'm lucky that my son is very good at entertaining himself and playing alone. we have what we call baby gitmo - 2 of those plastic play yards connected in our living room (walmart has them the cheapest online, tho you may be able to find used ones at a second hand shop). so when i have a deadline (or even need to get dinner ready) he can safely play in there without me having to watch him every second. i'm not going to lie - i often feel like a crappy mom neglecting her son. but he is happy and enjoys himself. occasionally, i get a sitter if i'm going in for a meeting, tho i have often times taken him with me to the office, if you can believe that. one of my main clients is a former employer and they all love him, so i'm lucky in that way. and if you're like me, you don't have a whole lot of family around to watch your kid and you don't want to overdo it or spend all the money you make on a sitter. i think the college student idea is a good one tho i'm not sure how to go about finding one - and during the summer, neighborhood high schoolers are a good option. another thing i've never done but want to try is to have someone come in just for a little me time - like so i can go get a pedicure or do some exercise. something for me. b/c always looking out for everyone else can be overwhelming, too. good luck and you are definitely not alone.