Hello Moms! You have always been so helpful with child questions, now I have a computer question. I'm looking for some highly recommended to perform data extraction on a secondary drive on my computer. For no aparent "reason" one of my drives has completely shut down. My husband is very good with computers, and has tried everyting he can to get this drive to open. No luck at all. I've talked to a few companies here in the North suburbs that have the dust free room, etc, but I'm so scared that all of my data will be lost. I would feel so much more comfortable if I knew of someone who has been through it. The very sad part about this is that the drive that crashed was the drive where I kept all of my photo storage!! I have a few years backed up on CD, but I know there is at least 18 months of potentially lost memories!! Thanks very much.
This just happened to us 2 weeks ago and we used Pro Computers, www.chicagocomputerrepair.com, at 5152 N Clark St, Chicago, (877) 907-0650.
They were able to retrieve our information, although the price was high, it was worth it! We dropped the computer and an external hard-drive off on Saturday, they emailed an estimate on Monday, and it was done by Wednesday. They are also really nice, so you can call (and call, and call) with questions and they will answer them, without sounding annoyed. Good Luck!
We own a computer repair store called CompuTeks in Yorkville. My husband said if it is not spinning up it needs to be disassembled. The average cost for that is $2,000 to $2,500. If you want more info., please feel free to e-mail me.
I want to recommend the place mentioned by Jennifer, "that computer shop". It's in Oak Park, just east of Harlem on Madison at the south east corner across from the hospital. They retrieved my laptop data to a harddrive (following a coffee spill). They were nice, very thorough and helpful and the cost for all their hours of time was reasonable.
I had the same thing happen a few weeks ago, not only to the primary hard drive, but the back-up a few days later! So, in the future, get on a back-up schedule (lesson learned)! One quick idea your husband might have already tried - put the drive in the freezer for a while, then try one last time. I used Fields Data Recovery (you can Google them - located in St. Louis, MO) The nice thing about this company is that they quote you a price which includes shipping, etc. and will not charge you unless they DO recover your data. They do an initial scan & provide a list of the files they can recover, then you give the "OK" to go ahead (or abandon) with the recovery. If they can't help you, they ship your drive back to you. I was also pleased with their prompt response, customer focus & frequent status updates. Good luck to you!