It takes time... i did it with my son at 9 months old.. he would cry and cry.... the first time was 45 mins.. it was hard.. it was not screamng the whole time because he would stop and play and whine and lay down and yada yada yada the next day it was 30 then 30 then 20 then 15 then I GAVE IN and back up to 30 then the next day i laid him down and that was it.....
everytime at the same time, everytime same routine..
I would say ok,lets sing songs/read a book and go night night ok.
I would sing a song to him, hug him real tight tell him I love him, pat his back a little and say ok, its night night time....
he would get relaxed and lay down...
eventually he would tell me it was time and would walk into the room and climb in his crib.. maybe let him to do that.. but dont give in.. just find a comfortable spot.. maybe give him a toy etc.