I'm personally a huge fan of craigslist, especially if you have bigger stuff that would cost a lot to ship on ebay. You could also do a garage sale, but post it and a list of everything you're selling on craigslist and include the option for people to purchase what you're selling individually if the garage sale time isn't convenient for them. That way people know what you're selling and you might entice some people to come out.
If I ever have things that are worth a lot of money, then I definitely post it on Ebay because it gets a lot more exposure that way and it really ups what I get paid for the item. But for used toys and things that you probably won't get a ton of money for anyways, I just do craigslist. It's easier and why bother trying to get a larger buying audience if I know it's not going to sell for much either way. And all the little things you put up on craigslist add up, so hopefully you make a lot ofmoney! Attaching pictures is a good idea to get more people interested. that way they don't have to drive all the way to your house just to get an idea of what it looks like and the condition it's in. Good luck! I sold my house this summer on craigslist in one day (in this slower market nonetheless) and I've purchased my current car and sold my old one on ebay. So these are wonderful tools to help the world see what you've got for sale and great for finding a good deal!