When I looked into Ebay I decided against it. Between the hassle of shipping and the percentages they took, very little money would have been made. Resale shops usually pay very little...so little that it would be more profitable to have a garage sale.
I use and sell on craigslist all the time. I have sold everything from furniture to my car using craigslist. There are a few safety precautions I take. I never meet anyone when I am alone and no one EVER comes into our house. I haul everything in the garage up front near the door and do all my transactions out in the open. I have never once felt uncomfortable or weird, but it's always better to be safe than sorry. I always make people work around my schedule. One of the downsides of craigslist is people can be flakey. They will set up a time only to be a no show, which is especially frustrating when I changed my plans...so I don't any more. I always ask for cash. I always post my price a little higher than my asking price, so there is negotiation room. I have noticed that if people pay less than it's posted, they feel like they are getting a bigger deal and are less likely to walk away. Be cautious of emails that say they are contacting you in reference to "the items" you have posted (with no mention of what those items are). Those are often fishing expeditions trying to find people to scam. I am cautious, but have had nothing but good luck with cl...I have made some money and found great deals too!