Yah it's a hard age.... the "terrible two's" actually goes on to about 4 years old. It's just their changing/developing emotions and learning.
Okay yes but it's hard.
It's common at this age that they protest naps/sleep. Keep to your "routine" about it and the nap/bed times. I even saw this on "Super Nanny" once... they/she just said to keep putting them back in their room, in bed, and walk out, no discussion, no interaction, no diversion... just keep putting them back, even if it takes the whole night or several days.
If anything, institute a "quiet" time. See if he can do that.
It seems you tried everything, like most parents. And, kids this age still do NEED naps... and they get tired, and if over-tired it makes it harder to sleep and they get major fussy.
It's okay if he wants to take toys in bed with him. My girl liked to have her stuffed animals in bed with her. It's fine at this age. It comforted her and soothed her.
ALSO, at this age, which was bumpy for my daughter... she would want to sleep on the floor, in the living room.... and we/I found that she would actually NAP this way. For me, this nap ordeal was hard enough... and I saw nothing wrong with "letting" her nap on the floor where she "chose" to nap. As long as she napped... then great. I talked with her, explained it to her... and taught her the word "compromise" since she was 1 years old... so, by "compromising" this way, she would nap. I explained that she has to "help" Mommy too... that we "both" need rest. This way, she DID nap and it wasn't a 'battle' anymore. It was a phase, and later she went back to her bed for naps.
When there were days when my girl just would NOT nap... I would tell her she had to stay in her room... play quietly...and Mommy is going to be quiet too. Not play. Sometimes then, she would actually fall asleep on her own... all the while telling me "I'm not going to nap!"
Some kids, it's about independence and the whole thing about their age. Yes, phases. It will pass... but it takes time.
Just keep consistency. My daughter is now 5 yrs. old almost 6, and my son just reached 24 months old...they BOTH STILL nap... my son naps twice a day, and my daughter naps after she comes home from school. Sure there were developmental changes and bumps in the road... but I kept to a routine, and kept consistent... it took patience and will power...but since I kept it a part of their day... and never gave up... they "know" it is just part of their routine... now, they rarely complain or protest about their naps or bedtimes.
It's not easy. It took effort on my part. But, well Hubby is sure glad I did this.. .because now he can rely on knowing when the kids will nap and it makes it easier on him too. LOL.
Well, all the best, I know, it's not an easy time. But all toddlers go through this. Also, they need to have a 'wind-down' time before sleeping... and I verbally "warn" my kids about what is upcoming...ie: in 15 minutes it's time to get ready for nap... and quiet time. Not play time." etc.
good luck,