Hi M.,
Funny, I moved here (round lake beach) from the city too, mostly b/c it's all we could afford, but now I want to move back to the city to be closer to my hubby's work.
Anyways, I can't my babies to Grayslake animal hospital on rt 120, just west of 45. Dr. Harte is the best. He's been with all 4 of my babies, and now I'm down to only 1:( Luckily, one of my babies, a cat, is living with my mom, and not in heaven with the other two. THe cat that's living with my mom was having litter box problems as well. I thought is my be behavioral, b/c she started after my second child was born, and then stopped, but then started again after my 3rd was born. she was peeing on everything, concentrating on the placed/things my baby would be on. HE did tests just to rule out any problems, but she was healthy as could be, so he deteremined it was behavioral. Dr. Harte is just awesome, IMO. He was also with me through 2 years of health problems with my boxer. He didn't do stuff he didn't think was necessary, and he actually didn't do a few tests he normally would have with my boxer b/c he knew her heart wouldn't be able to handle it. I highly recommend him. I did go once or twice to Lindehurst animal hospital before Grayslake, but stopped with the dr. wanted me to take my dogs to a pet shrink. I hope this info helped. Best of luck