HI please read...........I had twin (severe nausea) and my last pregancy was a girl (severe nausea 7 months!) I had to be hospitalized eventually. I was not keeping down water or crackers, nothing. I have severe constipation which I finally figured out it's from Prenatal Vitamins. I see a high risk pregancy Dr, always have had complicated ones. He suggest I can take Miralax for constipation. It works great. Nothing the dr or hospital gave me as far as nausea worked for me. I tried everything. Finally it got so bad my Dr gave me a prescription for a pill called Zofran. I call it the miracle pill!!!! It takes away the nausea and it doesnt make you tired.It is used among cancer patients and proven safe for pregnancy and for kids. I dont think asking your Dr for this pill would hurt. It can be pricey if your insurance sucks. Now ask for this if your nausea is so bad that you cant keep anything down which it could get to that point, you never know. Somedoctors you will have to act sicker than you are just to get them to lossen up on these pills cuz they are stingy about it, trust me.