My son is 18 months and doing the same thing. Only he has an older sister. He used to take 2hr naps, now I am lucky if he take 30-45mins. He wakes up crying and wants to be held for a while. Well, finally a couple of weeks ago when he woke I sat him down instead of holding him. He went to his sisters bedroom door and to every room in the house calling her name (the best he can). That is when it dawned on me that he is afraid he is going to miss something or be left out. If he naps on me or at a grandparents house he will take a full two hour nap. Unfortunetly, I can't hold him everyday so that really isn't much of an option. The last three or four days have been better. Almost an hour and a half each time. I don't know if he is starting to realize his sister will be there later if not when he wakes up or if it is something else intirely. I am not going to complain though. On the other hand. My daughter stopped taking naps completely by 18 months. She would lay in bed, but would not sleep. I guess every child really is differant. Sorry I couldn't help with a solution, but maybe it will give you some insight.