At two she is at an age where she knows you are not abandoning her. What I do with my son is sit in the room with him for a little bit and then come in and out like I am doing chores. I will lengthen the time I am gone. Of course she wants you and of course, even though she is tired now and will be miserable later, she would rather stay up and play. This is her way of letting you know that this is not how she wants to spend her time. You know better and you are giving her what she needs rather than what she wants. You just have to stick to that resolution. It's a good one to stick to. You are not hurting her, you are frustrating her and making her angry that you are not complying. This won't be the last time. It helps to remind yourself that you are doing the most loving thing, because to give in to her want sets her up for failure before the evening is out.