Here are some things you can do.
If you need the time alone, she can have "quiet time" or "momma needs a rest time" in her room. Explain to her that she can CANNOT sleep, but instead should 'read' a book or choose some toys to play with quietly *on the bed* A bit of reverse psychology! If she does fall asleep, don't punish her, just say "try harder to stay awake tomorrow!"
All 3 of mine outgrew their naps by 2yo. It is difficult. Edge up the bedtime just a little. She will know what you are doing if you make a large change in bedtime. Take her out for a walk, and play *outside* as much as you can. Don't make a big deal about it.
If you notice her being excessively cranky / obnoxious / and misbehaving, she may be getting her 2 yr molars in, - very painful!
Just remember, this will pass. It is a phase she is going through - and you too! Maybe get a little break rom a Mother's helper to keep her occupied and do the outside things if you need to do things inside.
Good luck, let us know what happens!
A little about me:
Working AP Mom to 3 lovely teenagers - they get better with age!