Hi J.,
I have not used NAET, however, as I have worked with young children ranging in age from 8 months to 5 years, I have encountered a number of families who have had to deal with children suffering from allergies, anywhere from mildly allergic to serious, up to an including asthma. I have seen parents, along with their doctors, pound their children with medication - antihistamines, steroids, inhalers, nebulizers, the list goes on and on. I see improvement with the symptoms, but the underlying problem is not resolved - the body's inability to heal and the stimulation of the immune system. I have encountered families who sought alternatives for more long-term preventative options (such as chiropractic care/natural remedies) that had much more postive long-term results. If it were my child, I would try anything before I would drug my kid up or have tubes inserted into her ears. Working to strenghen the immune system through alternative methods and appropriate diet rather than treat the symptoms with medication makes so much more sense to me. Good Luck....