My husband and I struggled with a simlar problem when our son was 8-9 months old. It really depends on what your parenting style is as to what you would do (attachment parenting, Dr. Sear's method, Dr. Ferber method). At this age, he is most likely waking up in the middle of the night and taking a bottle/cup because it is being offered to him. I'm sure he really isn't hungry, esp. if he is eating a good supper. As someone else has already said, the fact that he can see you if he wakes up is also another real problem. If he was in his own room and couldn't see you, he most likely would go back to sleep on his own. I agree that there is no rest to be had from anyone who shares a bed with a toddler! My son is a streching kicking machine in his sleep as well! My best friend recently went through this EXACT situation. Her 9 month old would wake up and see her and cry till she was put in their bed. They moved her bed into the next room and within 4 days she was sleeping through the night! When we were having the problem we also invested in a vtech soothing sounds projector that we still use. If our son cries it immediately plays soothing music/nature sounds for up to 15 minutes. I also advocate the Richard Ferber method for sleeping problems. I hope some of this advice works for you and you guys can get some much needed rest!! May God bless you and your family!
A little about me: I'm a 28yo working mom to a 20 month old son and another sweet boy on the way! I have been married to the most wonderful man for 7.5 years.